I have now edited this page to correct an error. |
I previously mis-labelled the two different screw sizes used over the life of BAYKO. Thanks to Keith Oakes, who spotted my error, and did a lot of work to drive the correction into my thick skull, the references I have now used on this page are correct. My sincere apologies for the error and any confusion I have undoubtedly caused - and also for making Keith work so hard! In my defence, I did use an engineering friend [who I will not name!] initially for this information - he has now been shot! |
Just like MECCANO and LEGO, BAYKO was a modular system, capable of building anything from a simple garden seat on part of a single Base, to a massive Skyscraper or Country Club spread over dozens of Bases. |
This meant that BAYKO had to provide something to fasten the Bases together - they couldn't expect everybody to screw each Base down to a wooden board [the recommendation for all but the smallest exhibition models] hence the Base Link was born. The earlier style of Base Links were actually usually referred to as “Connectors”, but I will continue to refer to them by their more familiar handle. |
The first design [left] was clearly inspired by engineering principles… |
…the use of 2 holes on one side of the joint helped in 2 ways : - |
► Accurate alignment was easier to achieve, and subsequently maintain. |
► The framework of Bases was held very rigidly. |
The Base Links were secured using brass screws and nuts. |
The earliest Base Links were actually solid brass and had square corners. |
The majority of the early Base Links were chromed, with rounded ends, but there are also examples of bare metal, both with, and without, a thin copper coating. There are, similarly, enough square cornered Base links in existence, of the same material range, to suggest that these can't all be 'Dad' pieces. |
The actual Screw size is 4BA with, as you can see from the photo, small square Nuts. I have also come across quite a few hexagonal nuts, but have seen nothing, so far, to convince me that these were other than extras bought in to the hobby from the local hardware stores. |
In 1939 Plimpton relaunched BAYKO in the 'New Series' format, which included a complete redesign of the Bases to a new, smaller size. |
The new Bases required new Base Links [right] to fasten them together. |
These new Base Links were provided with a receiving thread so that the screws are secured directly into them, eliminating the need for separate nuts. |
There was a slight change in the design, around 1949 - the photo [right] shows the early, slightly flatter design at the bottom, and the later, 'shapelier' version at the top - click anywhere on the image [right] to see a larger image, which should help make the distinction clearer. |
After the takeover, MECCANO continued with exactly the same design until the end. |
These Screws were size 5BA, a fact I have now found to be confirmed in the Set Parts List on page 2 of all the 'New Series' manuals, though, oddly, not on the Spare Parts Price List on page 4 of the same manual… |
Thinking logically, NOT communicating the screw size makes it slightly less likely that little Johnny [or his Dad!] would source them elsewhere. |
In contrast to the Base Links, the Bases themselves were produced with significantly more variety… |
Both types of Screws, and the Nuts for the earlier type, remain available from specialist screw suppliers, though not the B & Qs of this world. Just a word of warning - BE CAREFUL - with 4BA SCREWS, as some of those supplied currently are slightly too long, and will scratch whatever surface the model is put on, as a now discarded sideboard could testify - don't say I didn't warn you! |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information. |