The 'Toy Trader', black and white magazine was, throughout the entire life of BAYKO, a leading publication for the British toy trade, through which toy manufactures displayed their wares to U.K. toy retailers. |
All the images here are courtesy of copies made by the Newspaper Section of the British Library - and, many early ones being in colour, cost a small fortune! |
The images were provided either as paper photo copies for the black and white adverts [which have then been re-scanned] or as digital colour photos for the first example of each colour advert taken in situ from a bound copy of that year's issues. |
One or two of the images below are slightly skewed, this is because of the quality of the initial image. |
Never-the-less, I think the evolution of BAYKO's contact with its retailers is of interest and I hope you enjoy them. |
There were also advertising “puffs” and other mentions of BAYKO in 'Toy Trader'. This was particularly true, following the MECCANO, in the 1960s, which merited a separate mention. Click on any of the links below to see the articles : - |
'Toy Trader' was also used as a regular channel for promoting the British Industries Fair… |
Pre-War Adverts |
1935, February
1936, February |
1936, August |
1936, September |
1937, February |
1939, September |
1939, October |
1939, November |
That's it for the pre-war adverts I'm afraid. |
1949 |
1949, May |
1949, July |
1949, August |
1949, September |
An interesting run of BAYKO adverts, synchronised with other publications, to start in May, 1949 alongside the British Industries Fair that year. |
1949, October |
1949, November |
1949, December |
1956 |
1956, January |
1956, February |
1956, March / April |
1956, May |
1956, June |
1956, July |
1956, August |
1956, September |
1956, October |
1957 |
1957, January |
1957, February |
1957, March |
1957, April |
1957, May |
1957, June |
1957, August |
1957, September |
1957, October |
Slightly repetitive in that there are 9 adverts again, all of which are repeats the 1956 adverts, though in a different combination of issues.
Slightly “Nerds' corner” material, but you will notice at the bottom right hand corner of all except January's advert, that there is a reference code for the particular image/advert. |
1958 |
1958, January |
1958, February |
1958, March |
1958, August |
A slight reduction in the number of adverts - a sign of things to come, perhaps. At least there were some innovative new ones this year! |
1958, September |
1958, October |
1959 |
1959, October |
1959, November |
1959, December |
The last of the Plimpton era adverts - still quoting the Tabley Street address despite the MECCANO takeover. |
1960s |
1960, January |
1960, February |
Just two general MECCANO adverts, which include a mention of BAYKO on the product list. |
1961, December |
This is a classic example of MECCANO's complete lack of a coherent policy for advertising BAYKO. They obviously went to considerable trouble to build the stunning model of Buckingham Palace shown in the advert, yet only mentioned BAYKO once in their 1961 adverts in 'Toy Trader'. |
1962, January |
Just a single advert which mentions BAYKO in 1962… …and remember, this was the year when all the new parts were introduced! |
1963, January |
Again, just a single mention of BAYKO in 1963… …in this case it's the final one. |
Below here are links to related info : - |
Click on any of the links below for related information. |