BAYKO Adverts on Television

As illogical as it may seem to you, and despite the fact that, following Christmas 2021, this section has been well and truly stood on its head, I'm going to leave the original content of this section as it was - if only to provide a context for the new information, and because I like the cartoon of the television [below]! More seriously, it exudes the frustration that your poor benighted webmaster cum archivist felt for many centuries!
Sadly, this is likely to prove to be a relatively short section, I suspect you can already guess why! Over the centuries, I've come across just a couple of people, who have enjoyed the same BAYKO addiction that I do, which sharpened their memories, and enabled them [at the time] to both register, and commit to memory, seeing Television Adverts for the world's first, and finest, plastic construction toy.
Sadly [again] their memories are much more of the event rather than of either the advert's actual contents, or its timing. For this reason, I can offer no information about either the dating, or the details, of these adverts,  but merely record the fact that they were, indeed, transmitted, even if it was to a largely oblivious audience.
TV with questionmark on the screen
I have tried to follow up these 'sightings' by contacting the National Museum of Advertising [now restyled as the National Science and Media Museum] which is based in Bradford. Unsurprisingly, [glass half empty!] they have neither a copy of, nor any record of, a BAYKO T.V. Advert.
The people concerned lived either side of the Pennines during their childhood, so we can reasonably deduce that both GRANADA and YORKSHIRE TELEVISION carried BAYKO adverts. This, in turn, may point to probable T.V. Adverts elsewhere, particularly the key population centres around London and Birmingham. Alas [and alack‽] I've no evidence, but there is perhaps an outside chance that you may have long hidden memories of seeing BAYKO Adverts on T.V. during your youth, if so, I really would love to hear from you…
Of course [in my dreams, at least] you'll not just remember the adverts, but also have a 'long lost' video-taped recording of an episode of your favourite I.T.V. television programme, with a BAYKO Advert in the break, which has languished [under piles of the proverbial junk] in your attic, or cellar, for several thousand years, so…
Autumn 1960 - MECCANO Dealers Letter - T.V. Advertising Plans
Interior of the Christmas 1960 advertising Schedule - Interior
Exterior of the Christmas 1960 advertising Schedule - Interior 
At Christmas 2021, sitting in my hobby 'shed', an email alert pointed me towards a newly listed eBay item and, after a nail biting countdown, Postman Pat finally delivered the item in question [above].
The above document is a Letter to Retailers, from Mr. MECCANO, outlining his Christmas Advertising Schedule, including the relaunch of BAYKO in 1960, following the takeover in the previous September. If you slide your mouse over the images you will see the BAYKO entries highlighted and if you click on them you will see a larger image of those BAYKO related scripts, which are reproduced below, T.V. adverts and support adverts, respectively : -
“Bayko building outfits in their new improved form will get a country-wide showing in advertising Magazines. The national ITV network will carry Bayko on 23rd November [Wednesday] and 3rd December [Saturday]. There'll be an additional transmission on all stations (except Ulster) in the first or second week in December.”
“BAYKO - new, improved Bayko gets introductory half-pages in Swift, Girl and TV Comic.”
Just a few words, but a major step forward in hunting out the BAYKO T.V. Adverting details - now to try for a video copy…
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Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.