This brief update followed an earlier article on Chris Boutal's discovery of a post-war 'New Series BAYKO set, and, hopefully, really will finally complete the review of the entire range of BAYKO instruction manuals… |
In a recent article in the March issue of this erstwhile publication, I described Chris Boutal’s discovery of a post-war ‘new series’ set 1. Given our, well alright then, my lack of knowledge, I asked if anybody could help with further information, particularly on larger sets. |
Roger Spendlove, white-knight-like, has written to me rescue, with the attached photo [right] of a post-war ‘new series’ set #3 Rod [and accessories] Bag. Sadly the bag was an orphan, however, it was plucked from an offering of post-war parts, and it does have its contents printed on the front. |
I’ve personally chipped in with a set #1 Rod Bag, but, although it’s beginning to look like post-war ‘new series’ production may have been greater that we suspected, we still need further help. If you could unearth further information, including printed matter, it would be gratefully received… |
…HELP!!! |
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