BAYKO in 'British Toys', November 1954

This is the very first mention of BAYKO that appeared in 'British Toys', which was [then] a brand new publication for both the British and European toy trades.
'British Toys' first edition was the previous month, so this was an innovative step by Plimpton. this confidence was well placed, and 'British Toys' rapidly moved on from its cheap newsprint format to the full glossy print you might expect.
Worthy of note is the fact that 'British Toys' was printed in French and Spanish as well as English.

British Toys page 3 - Plimpton tout for business
British Toys page 16 - the inquiry form - for BAYKO tick number 5
The purpose of this brief mention of BAYKO was, not unnaturally, to generate new business contacts, for Plimpton Engineering, across the embryonic European Economic Community, or at least in its key markets.
The full script of the short BAYKO piece, [above] in all its multilingual glory, is printed below.
These objectives are supported by : -
In English in paragraph 2.
In French in paragraph 3.
In Spanish in paragraph 4.
BAYKO Building Sets satisfy the most critical of juvenile architects. There is a wide range of sets and accessories for this unique “hobby” line.
For full details tick space No. 5 of the enquiry form on the back page.
Pour obtenir tous les details marquer d’une croix l’espace numero 5 sur le formulaire de renseignements a la derniere page.
Si desera detailes ponga on senal en el espacio numero 5 de la ultima pagina.
The simple format inquiry form [referred to above] was to be found on page 16 of the magazine, and is shown here on the left. I understand this was a familiar marketing strategy at the time.

BAYKO was a regular advertiser in 'British Toys'
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.