BAYKO in 'Games and Toys', July 1957

'Games and Toys' article, July, 1957
This is, somewhat surprisingly, the first post-war ”Advertising Puff” for BAYKO to appear in 'Games and Toys', the leading publication of the day for the British toy trade. To me, it makes no sense at all - there were no events or significant milestones in Plimpton's life going on at the time.
The text itself is short and sweet : -
”Building Sets”
”An established favourite for children are the Bayko building sets manufactured by the Plimpton Engineering Co Ltd, Table Street, Liverpool 1. They are manufactured in plastic and great attention is given to detail of the various parts of the buildings to see that the models look as authentic as the real thing. Houses, churches, shops and, in fact, endless different models can be built. They are strong and will last until they are dismantled by the young contractor. Trade enquiries, both home and export, should be sent to the above address.”
BAYKO was a regular advertiser in 'Games and Toys'
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The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.