'Games and Toys', October 1964

This is the first of two advertising puffs from the last quarter of 1964, neither of which mentions BAYKO, and, with my usual contrary logic, that is the reason for their inclusion on the site. This entry, from page 82 of 'Games and Toys', in October, 1964 is for the [then] new products of CLIKI and CLIKI-PLUS, by MECCANO, then part of Lines Brothers, who are best known as the manufacturers of Tri-ang and who owned BAYKO.
My reason for the inclusion of these puffs is that they are both advocating plastic construction toys, from the Lines Brothers stable, effectively at the expense of BAYKO, then 'one of their own'. However, BAYKO was clearly out of favour as it was half a year since any mention in any press item I've been able to find. I believe this lack of marketing support is a strong indicator supporting the theory that MECCANO and/or Lines Brothers had taken the 'Do Not Resuscitate' decision for BAYKO, simply making as much money from it as possible before that fateful day.
Article about CLIKI and CLIKI-PLUS in the October, 1964 issue of Games and Toys
The text itself reads as follows : -
”Meccano will shortly be introducing two new construction sets, Cliki and Cliki-Plus. Both sets include a wide variety of bright and cheerful plastic parts. Cliki, whose interlocking bricks fit smoothly into place, has bright red roof tiles that make roofs look real. Supplied too are special self-locking base plates, opening doors and windows, chimney stacks and TV aerials. Each set will make a wide range of models including houses, bungalows, garages and hotels. The sets also contain wheels, axles and axle blocks to enable push-along toys to be made. There are four sets in all retailing in the United Kingdom from 9s 11d to 42s 6d.”
”Cliki-Plus is a building toy which ia a development of Cliki with a definite engineering slant. With it young builders can make such realistic models as cranes, swing bridged, lifts, roundabouts and pulleys, cranks and hooks are included in the sets of which there are three priced in the United Kingdom at 14s, 37s 6d and 69s 6d. ”Add-on” packs at 2s 6d which contain additional items to usefully extend still further the types of models children can construct, are also available.”
Clearly BAYKO is lined up in the crosshairs by CLIKI, with both CLIKI and CLIKI-PLUS lined up against the brash new interloper, LEGO, which, by the date this article was printed, had become firmly established, and very popular, in the U.K. CLIKI is also in direct competition with PENNYBRIX, a Lines Brothers stable mate.
BAYKO had previously been a regular advertiser in 'Games and Toys'
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Latest update - August 10, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.