Negative Equity and BAYKO
'Daily Telegraph'
Property Section, 2002

Thanks to Andy Harris for spotting this little beauty. The item [below, left] appeared on the front cover of the 'Property' section of the 'Daily Telegraph', on Saturday, July 13th, 2002
…coincidentally, I added this page on July 13th, 2006!
The article itself, which covered a further half page inside the property section, didn't actually mention the world's finest construction toy, I'm afraid, so I don't propose to reproduce it all!
Personally, I find this item intriguing, particularly given that it is so relatively recent in origin, and hope that you do!

Front page of the July 13th, 2002 Daily Telegraph Property section
The artwork [left], by Paul Bateman, ornamented an article about negative equity in the property market in Salford, Greater Manchester, better known as Weatherfield, the fictional home of 'Coronation Street'.
I emailed Paul Bateman to ask what was the inspiration behind his use of BAYKO, some 38 years or so after the death of the product.
Sadly, I got no reply - I can, however, reveal his source for the model…
…the MECCANO era manual, page 12…
…it's the “Double Storey House” model [below] which could be made with a MECCANO era BAYKO set #13.
I could use the concept of BAYKO of a 'ball and chain' as a logo for my bank account!
Front page of the July 13th, 2002 Daily Telegraph Property section
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Latest update - November 10, 2024
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.