NIMBUS Model Bus Kit DB77

I think this is definitely one of the more quirky offerings I have for you. Sadly, I acquired this so long ago that “the little grey cells” have let me down [again] and I can't remember when and where this item fell into my lap. Nonetheless, I believe it's interesting enough to let it join the ranks of! Why not read on and you decide.
NIMBUS model bus kit DB77
The image [above] shows the off-side [according to V.A.R,‽] of the NIMBUS cardboard, o-o gauge, model bus kit, DB77, which shows a Bristol Lodekka, double decker bus in the livery of Bristol corporation transport, with a full length advert for the world's first, and finest, plastic construction toy! In true Blue Peter fashion, there are full instructiond as to how to build the model with scissors and glue - and, perhaps some sticky back plastic in reserve!
The replicated advert itself dates from Christmas, 1952 or a couple of years thereafter, but I'm afraid I can find no published clues about either NIMBUS in general, or this specific model itself - sorry!
Immediately below is an image of the compete 1:76 [o-o gauge] scale model components card - enjoy!
The full NIMBUS Kit DB77 unmade model card
8 ¼ x 8 1/16 inches = 225 x 211 mm
I'm not sure as to what is the 'correct' orientation for the card, so I've chosen to align it with the NIMBUS logo orientation [above, lower, centre]. The BAYKO advert is consequently located, upside down, at the top.
For completeness, the NIMBUS business address is given as : -
24, Darris Road,
Selly Park,


B29 7QY
…alas and alack, dear reader, sadly - the interweb says no!
Perhaps the business has moved over exclusively to producing its range of broomsticks for Harry Potter…
… M A G I C ! ! !
If you can help provide information on this particular model; on other models proudly bearing a BAYKO advert; on the NIMBUS company in general; or, of course, on real BAYKO adverts on real buses…
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

The 'Flaming BAYKOMAN' site logo

Latest update - November 10, 2024
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.