While there is no direct mention of BAYKO anywhere in this piece, but I found it interesting non-the-less, and it's so evocative of the post-war plastic boom, against the austerity background. |
The article appeared in 'Toy Trader' in April, 1946 and is reproduced below in full. It clearly emphasises the impact of wartime developments on the plastic industry and their implications for the future. |
The early post-war period was a period of massive, rapid change for BAYKO and I thought that this was relevant in terms of understanding some of Plimpton's thought processes at the time. |
The article reads as follows : - |
Plastics in War and Peace |
We often hear that experience gained in war-time, particularly in the fields of industry and manufacture, can be used advantageously in times of peace. Broadly speaking this may be true, but there always seems to be a time lag in the adaption of this knowledge and experience which considerably lessens the benefits to commerce which might otherwise accrue. |
An exception to this delayed action in utilising the knowledge of war in the fulfillment of peace-time requirements is to be found in the word of plastics. Here, very little adaption has been necessary. There are required no considerable alterations to the plant, while the production programme requires little adjustment; the training of labour is also unnecessary so that a quick change-over can be staged now that the munitions of war are no longer required. |
The industry is indeed one which has benefited by its war-time experience and the knowledge gained by the scientist, that modest man working in his chemical laboratory, the designer, and the manufacturer has been pooled to produce a new class of merchandise having a wide appeal. |
Many examples of what we mean can be seen in excellent lines that have been produced for the fancy goods trade, and although plastics have already featured prominently in toy manufacture it is felt that there are many further uses to be made of this extremely adaptable medium. |
Doll's clothes, children's reins, and many other lines where plastics could be substituted for leather straps or where materials or leather have hitherto been used, offer a wide scope for new designs and colours. A soft bodied doll is, we understand, on the market and a very attractive line it appears to be. |
We hesitate to prophesy, but we feel that a great future is not only before these plastic lines, but also for many others which the ingenuity of the designer and the skill of the manufacturer will make available in the field of plastics. |
p.s. Please don't query the [above] spelling of “fulfillment” or, in deed, the existence of the word “adaption”. These are both direct quotes, and, as a matter of site policy, I never amend such pieces! |
Well, I hope you found that interesting and if you have any information on plastic in general, or BAYKO in particular in the early post-war years, them I'd love to hear from you… |
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