This is a really excellent book, written by Kenneth D Brown, published by 'Shire Library' [ISBN 978-0-74780-824-4] and including full colour illustrations. |
The front cover [below, left] is a reproduction of the famous front cover of the December, 1954 'MECCANO Magazine' which, uniquely, features a non MECCANO product - BAYKO. |
The book traces the history of the British Toy Industry from the Victorian era onwards, including the death of many of its major players. |
Altogether there are three references to the world's first, and finest, plastic construction toy : - |
On page 26 : - |
“Another early plastic, bakelite, provided the main material for Plimpton Engineering's Bayko - brick sections, windows and doors, which, slotted between upright metal rods and held together with tin ties, could be used to construct model buildings.” |
On page 41 [above, centre] : - |
“Bayko, which Meccano had acquired in 1949, scored equally poorly and had not been marketed very vigorously. In the wings lurked the threat of a flexible, less complex construction toy based on studded plastic bricks, and sold in Britain from 1959 by British Lego.” |
Please note, the takeover date of “1949” above, should be read “1959”. |
The phrase “scored equally poorly” makes reference to the November, 1964 'Which?' report, which was unfavourable as far as BAYKO was concerned… |
There is also a small caption for the BAYKO set #15 illustrated : - |
“Meccano never marketed Bayko with sufficient vigour.” |
On page 42 [above, right] BAYKO is mentioned in both captions : - |
“Like Meccano itself, Bayko required literate and dexterous users.” |
“Lego proved more appealing than either Meccano or Bayko.” |
Sadly, both these caption comments proved only too true, particularly the latter. |