BAYKO Sets #0 and #1 Instruction Manual -
1946 - 8 Page Version

This is the earliest version of the post-war Instruction Manual which was produced by Plimpton, in 1946, for the first post-war BAYKO sets and is shown courtesy of Chris Boutal.
It is also possible that this was used as an export version to support Plimpton's assault on the global construction toy market.
Whatever its exact intended use, we should remember the severe climate of austerity and the very real post-war material shortages which prevailed at the time this manual was produced. This lead to some difficult sourcing decisions, creating a fairly chaotic situation, printwise, with set contents being printed on separate sheets, and, again, a separate “How to Build with BAYKO leaflet.
This manual comprises just 8 pages, printed in red and black on white, gloss paper, with a full colour cover.
The first three pages and page five of this manual [below] were replicated exactly in the subsequent sixteen page version.
In the following version, page 4 [below] is almost identical, except that the later version includes a table explaining the meaning of the abbreviations used on the model plans, the lower central plan having been raised slightly to accommodate it.
Pages six and seven are both unique to this manual, though the models depicted do appear in later manuals.
At first sight, the last page appears identical to the last page of the subsequent sixteen page version, apart from the page number. However, for some inexplicable reason either the heading has been moved five millimetres [0.2 inches] to the left, or the body of the page to the right. This is not simple colour registration, as the black part of the heading has also moved. Interestingly, the photographs of BAYKO models shown include pre-war Large bases and Wall Capping - in a post-war manual remember!!!

Size 220mm x 140mm = 8.6 x 5.5 inches.

Immediately below this point is the small navigation table [as mentioned above]
linking to all the manuals, etc., which overlap or succeed this style of document.

Click here if you prefer to jump past this table.

For information on contemporary BAYKO production, relevant to all the leaflets : -
For information on overlapping BAYKO Manuals : -
For information on overlapping BAYKO "How to Do it Leaflet" : -
For information on the overlap of Post-War Documentation : -

Click on any of the thumbnail images [below] to see a larger sized image.

Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 1
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 2
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 3
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 4
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 5
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 6
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 7
Sets #0 to #1 Manual<br>1946 Page 8

Click on any of the thumbnail images [above] to see a larger sized image.

If you would like to see the manual hot off the press, as it were…
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

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Latest update - August 12, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.