BAYKO Product Details - 1938 to 1941

During this period, BAKELITE components were still made using BAKELITE and scarab powders - urea formaldehyde - but, by this time, plastic technology had advanced, enabling cheap, reliable, mass production of true colours to be moulded with greater precision.
20s set parts adding to the New Series parts to produce an excellent flashy model
Although nominally complete in their own right, these BAYKO sets are widely seen as a second range of Ornamental Addition Sets and may, indeed have actually replaced them in 1938. There is no printed confirmation of this that I can find, and the size of 3,000 individual toyshop stocks is more than enough to cloud the issue.
The launch of these innovative sets was heralded as “Something Brilliantly New in BAYKO in 'Games and Toys' in February, 1938.
This represents the first step in a significant period of change and range expansion for BAYKO.
As can be seen below, the set lid carried a very attractive piece of artwork, typical of the 1930s.
There was a range of four of these sets [set #20 through to set #23] and 'theoretically' the appropriate range of conversion sets [#20A through to #22A] was also available. I say 'theoretically', because, though clearly available - on paper - I know of nobody who has ever seen one!
A substantial range of no less than eleven new plastic parts was introduced in these sets and is detailed below : -
The full range of new parts introduced in sets #20 to #23
Set #21 with Orange parts, mottled green Base and the 1-Brick Pillars
Pinnacle Roofs.
Pinnacle Platforms.
Turrets - 4 types. [Curved, Long, Short and Square]
1-Brick Pillars - unique to these sets.
Curved Bricks.
Curved Windows.
Bay Window Covers.
The Curved Window position is worthy of consideration. The colour matched the light green of the 1937 to 1938 production period, though their style matched the [then] new 'cruciform' style, which was not released until 1939 in the mainstream, 'New Series' sets.
The 1-Brick Pillars were unique to these sets. For some, inexplicable reason, the 1-Brick Pillars were actually referred to in the contents list as if they were the standard 3-Brick Pillars, i.e. the set #23 contents of thirty six 1-Brick Pillars were written as twelve. This suggests they were a last minute innovation, which proved easier to pack, and displayed better [my opinion]. [above, right, top left of the box section]
Sets #20 to #23 had the original large style Bases, but, for these sets, they were produced in mottled green.
Front cover of the 20s series BAYKO sets
The unique, and most conspicuous, new feature of these sets is what you might call the ornamental roofing…
…Bay Window Cover [actually here referred to here as a “Pinnacle ½ Platform”],
Dome, Pinnacle Platform, Pinnacle Roof and all four styles of Turret…
…which were produced in Orange.
Manuals for these sets [right] were modest but colourful…
…and were the only BAYKO manuals laid out in portrait format.
There were actually two different versions of this manual…
You may want to know more about the full range of BAYKO manuals, if so…
An 11 x 8 Floor and 2 Curved Tie Bars
Although less sexy, and usually much less visible, these sets also introduced 3 other new parts, the first two of which were unique to them : -
Floors, 11 x 8 holes - perhaps intended to facilitate a Brick, Large Window, Brick configuration.
Curved Tie Bars - to 'control' the new Curved Windows.
Equally unsexy, but much longer lasting, Straight Tie Bars were also introduced in these sets - though it is just possible that they were introduced into some standard sets at around the same time. These Tie Bars initially were bare metal, after that they survived the occasional austerity-based replacement, and change of material, and made it through to the very end of BAYKO.
Despite the winds of change, Windows were still the 8-pane 'Georgian' style in the earlier sets, though they were later changed, in line with the mainstream sets, to the 'New Series', 'cruciform' style.
Special mention should be made of set #20 : -
The unusually configured set 20
Some of these special sets #20 had a most unusual box, being much more like a miniature version of the later Retailers Display Cabinets rather than the, otherwise almost universal, box/tray and lid format. In pure BAYKO set terms, this is absolutely unique [sorry about the tautology faux pas].
It is likely that this version of the #20 set was intended to double as an attractive window display.
We now know there was also a set #20 in the more conventional box format, but I don't have one to show you.
These sets overlap 3 distinct, standard set production periods, 1937 - 1938, late 1938 and 1939 - 1941.

If you would like information on the price of BAYKO sets during this period, click on one of the links below.
Below here are links to related info : -
Click on any of the links below for related information.

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Latest update - August 11, 2022
The BAYKO name and Logo are the Registered Trade Mark of Transport of Delight.